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From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to each and every hero, for all you do. My father met my mother in Italy during World War II. He was a navigator for the Army Air Corps, and she was a volunteer for the Red Cross. You could say my existence is the result of people who understood the importance of service to their country. Many of my nieces and nephews are teachers or healthcare workers, so helping the next generation of heroic people resonates with me. My volunteer work with Quiet Oaks Hospice gives me the opportunity to cook meals for patients, their families and the nursing staff. One grandfather served in WWII and the other one served in Korea.

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- After years of living on military bases, and two deployments to Iraq, newlyweds Maria and Chris Mola have a house to make a home. They’ve paid out nearly $90 million to more than 50,000 heroes since they started. The Szuba’s are just one of the thousands of people who’ve gotten help from Home’s for Hero around the country.
Team Members
Being a Paramedic for over 3 years and being the spouse to an Army Veteran has allowed me to see first hand the type of sacrifices that our Heroes make . Having the opportunity to work for a company that dedicates themselves to helping them is the ultimate achievement. Knowing that this company is striving to make a difference in their lives is truly an honor to be part of. As a daughter and sister to veterans, I’m happy to have found a company that not only aligns with my professional development goals but allows me to contribute meaningfully to serving our heroes.

I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for the first responders that saved my life in a horrific car accident as a teenager. Now, it is my mission to be a strong positive force in the world. To inspire others to live life to the fullest by helping them realize their true purpose and full potential. I fulfill that mission through my commitment to saying Thank You to every hero for their selflessness, compassion and courage they display and inspiring others to do the same. I would not have the opportunity to live the life I live without our heroes continued commitment to serve and better our communities each and every day and for that I am incredibly grateful.
Homes For HomeTown Heroes
“With helping people, I just--to me it’s part of the job. It’s really all we knew what to do and even though it’s a job, it’s a really meaningful job,” John Szuba said. From there, I moved to the position of Coordinated Entry Planner, managing the distribution of homeless housing resources for the 5-county Twin Cities suburban metro area.
I am very honored to be working for a company that cares so much about our nation’s heroes. I have several members of my family that have served in the military and I am very grateful to each service member. Also, I am very thankful to all of the heroic first responders, healthcare workers, and everyone dedicated to the education systems. My career at Homes for Heroes happened through a very indirect and unexpected path.
Homes For Hometown Heroes
I am especially grateful this program includes teachers. It was my 9th grade teacher who pulled me aside one day because he noticed I was not myself. His interest in me changed my life and helped me to get through a tough time in my family. I’m from Birmingham, AL and am a wife and mother to 2 boys. I have a background in finance and real estate and I am so excited to be joining a team that chooses to serve our heroes. My family makes up most of the heroes and the mission behind Homes for Heroes spoke to me.

A move they thought wasn’t possible at the time is now a reality through Homes for Heroes, their way of saying thanks for what the Szuba’s do at work every day. While Grayson aged out of many of the programs they used when they lived in South Bend, moving to Granger now made the most sense. The program helps individuals qualify for savings and rebates when purchasing a home. I plan to use my technical experience and skills to further Homes for Heroes company’s mission.
heroes save
This is why I choose to give back and Thank those who are out there every day saving someone’s family member. Hero Rewards offers are limited and/or restricted in Alaska, Kansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. You must be enrolled with Homes for Heroes and be represented at closing by a Homes for Heroes Real Estate Specialist to be eligible for home price savings. You must work with a Homes for Heroes Mortgage Specialist and business affiliates to be eligible to receive additional service-related savings. As a blue collar kid that grew up in the suburbs of Boston our family get togethers were mostly comprised of policemen, firefighters, utility workers, government workers, teachers, coaches and their families. “We’ve been able to donate over a million dollars and almost 1,000 heroes have been served within our community.

Many days when he was a baby, I had him in a stroller walking him around the hospital. The nurses and doctors became our family and the support I received was truly amazing. Once again when my dad was sick in the hospital the nurses and doctors became my family. The countless hours they spent with me crying and their compassion was quite comforting. My dad passed away on Flag Day last September, it was truly so fitting because my dad was in the army and flew his flag with pride.
In that role, I drafted and advocated for policy changes to improve representation of veterans through the homeless housing system. From your first day on the job through retirement, when you're ready to consider buying, selling or refinancing a home we will help you get it done and save you money. And that’s not counting the customer driven value added services and financial incentives offered by our partners. We show our appreciation by lowering their costs of their real estate transactions. Grant and wife Cindy are the founders of Grant Realty Trust LLC, the corporate vehicle that owns and operates real estate investments which will comprise the bulk of the legacy which we will pass on to our heirs.

Working with Homes for Heroes allows me to have a purposeful career. I come from a long line of veterans who have served our country while also being a military spouse. He reclassed his MOS from the band to infantry to have VA home loan benefits from his 13-month deployment.
Growing up the daughter, granddaughter and niece of nurses, and the niece of teachers, I witnessed the sacrifices and selflessness of the healthcare and education fields firsthand. My Grandfathers served in the Korean War, one of them receiving the Purple Heart, so from a very early age I was also very prideful of our service members. Bob has had the pleasure of advising HFH since the early formation years and continues to provide financial expertise to the HFH team, drawing from an extensive career in varied financial leadership positions.

My chance to serve these heroes through the home buying process is an honor. There is nothing more satisfying to me than helping people. After being an Affiliated Lender with Homes For Heroes for close to three years I feel very blessed to work with this amazing company and wonderful people. These professionals are selfless and deserve to be recognized in a special way.
After facing some of the toughest challenges for a first responder and healthcare worker while on the job during the pandemic, this show of thanks can’t be appreciated enough. They’re a family that knows how to help--whether it’s for their community or for each other. Since 1969, Weichert, Realtors has grown from a single office into one of the nation's leading providers of homeownership services by putting our customers first. The organization claims to have helped close to 25,000 people save money when buying a home. “He has more energy now than he ever has in his entire life.
Most heroes save at least $3,000 when they buy or sell a home with us. When you add up savings from real estate agents, loan officers, title companies, home inspectors and other every day deals, the savings is way beyond what you’ll get from other national programs. Our local Northern Florida communities provide access to great schools and world class medical services which will enable our children and their children’s children to pursue their dreams. The seed for Homes for Hometown Heroes grew from a 2021 discussion group within Florida Homes that was centered on serving military personnel and their families. As two of Grant’s 4 children and 6 out of 11 he and wife Cindy’s grandchildren serve in active duty military families Grant was an active participant in these discussions. I joined the Homes for Heroes team in 2021 to be a part of this incredible initiative helping those who are on the front line to make our lives safe.